Tuesday, February 22, 2011


          This bar-chart shows us the top ten date-producing countries in 2001. The chart contains 10 countries.

          We can see that Egypt has the highest position in producing dates and it is the only one who makes more than 1 million tonnes. Oman produced about a fifth of Egypt, and Libya produced a quarter of Algeria which produced 350,000 tonnes. Also we can see that Iran produced about 850,000 tonnes and the UAE slightly less than Iran which produced over 800,000 tonnes. Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Pakistan produced more than half a million tonnes each. Sudan produced a quarter of the UAE, about 150,000 tonnes.

          In conclusion, we can see that Egypt produced more than 1 million tonnes and only five countries produced more than 0.5 million tonnes, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Pakistan.

135 Words

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine`s Day Gifts

          These two pie-charts show us the types of gifts and what men buy for women in the USA and vice versa on Valentine`s Day.

          We can see from the charts that the cards take the highest percentage of gifts for women and men; 27% of women which is more than quarter of the total, and for the men shows 18%. Also we can see for the men flowers is the second which is 16%, while the women's second gift is candy, and it shows 21%. 14% of men buy candy and 11% of women buy flowers. 10% of women buy perfume/cologne compared with 4% of men. Jewelry is almost same for both of them, men 10% and women 9%. Also we can see the differences of buying lingerie and spa/personal care. The graphs shows 25% of men buy other gifts and 17% of women.

          In conclusion, we can see there are many types of gifts and there are differences between women and men when they buy gifts.

180 Words

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The UK budget

          The pie-chart shows the UK government budget and where it was spent in 1996; the total budget is £315 billion.

          They spent about one third on the social security sector which is £100 billion. Health and personal social services had the second highest and it cost £53 billion, and the two of them take more than half of the budget. Also we can see that education spent £38 billion; the chart shows that they spent in debt interest £25 billion which was slightly more than other expenditure sector which spent £23 billion. Defence spent £17 billion followed by law and order which spent £17 billion. From the chart we can see that housing, heritage and environment spent £15 billion and industry, agriculture & employment cost £13 billion.

          It can be clearly seen that the UK government spent a lot of money in their country to improve their social life and as we see from the chart they spent £100 billion. Also the most focus was on health and education which increases the awareness of culture and society.

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