Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to use an ATM machine

            As you know across the world, the technologies are increasing in modern countries. In this essay, I will write about the ATM machine and how to use it.

            First of all you have to open an account to deposit your money, and you have to get the ATM machine card issued. Second, when you want to withdraw money, you have to put your card password that is attached with it. Then follow the instruction on the screen and you can choose how much you want or write on the keyboard in front of you. Finally take your card, money and your receipt paper that has all the information for your operation.

            As you can see from what I have written, the machine is very useful and it saves your time. But on the other hand, this machine is dangerous if anybody knows your password and has your card, so you should keep this thing secret for yourself.

157 Words

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