Monday, October 4, 2010

The UAE urban renaissance

                The big desert and long beaches with small distributed villages in the barren land, has been changed in a few years to big cities and thousands of farms. In this essay, I`m going to write about the UAE in the past and now.

          There are several distinct similarities between the UAE forty years ago and now. The first similarity is that both have the same climate. If you lived, you would melt in the summer because of the hot weather. Another similarity is the tradition has not changed. Nowadays the UAE nationals wear dishdasha which is the same at before. Yet another clear similarity is the religion which is Islam.

          Although there are many similarities between the UAE now and before, there are three major differences. The first difference is the facilities. Nowadays you can find hospital or clinic in every place whether you are in the city center or in the suburbs. Another difference is the education. Before there were no universities; you could only find the small schools far away. The final difference is the urban renaissance. Last year was launched the tallest skyscraper in the world which was an amazing thing, because the country’s age is less than forty years.

          Overall differences outweigh the similarities. In my opinion, four decades ago the life was easy and responsibility was less than now, but I prefer the life right now.

231 Words

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