Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Argument of smoking

          In the past smoking was accepted in the public places, but nowadays it is rejected in our society and not allowed all over the world in many public places. So now I’m going to write an essay about smoking.

          The first point I would like to talk about is that the person who smokes is free to spend his money wherever he wants. The second thing is that the government doesn’t prevent smoking and it is allowed not like the drugs. Also some smokers feel relaxed and they release the stress of life when they smoke. Nowadays there are cabins or rooms in most public places that help the smokers to smoke whenever they want.

          Although the smokers are free to do what they do, also non-smokers have their health to consider and the smokers may disturb them. We can see the number of deaths that are caused by smoking is increasing, and it not only affects smokers, it also affects others. So the health authority should issue strict laws about smoking in public places and the media should increase awareness for the teenagers. Also in the schools, the rules should be stricter because the young people are affected easily when they see the older people smoking. A good step would be to ban smoking for drivers if there are children under 12 years old in the vehicle.

          Although the smokers are free when they smoke, also they have to respect the others who don’t smoke. Doctors say smoking is slow suicide and I think it is only a loss of health and money.

264 Wards

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