Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mobile phones & driving

Mobile phone use while driving is common, but dangerous. Due to the number of accidents that are related to cell phone use while driving, some rules have made the use of a cell phone while driving illegal. Others have enacted laws to ban handheld mobile phone use, but allow using an earpiece. In some cases restrictions are only directed to minors or those who are newly qualified license holders.
First, I think there is no advantage for using a mobile so the first disadvantage is people will not take care about the other car. For example they can’t see the other cars and may cause accidents. Another disadvantage is they may not see people who walk in the road. Tests by scientists at the Transport Research Laboratory said drivers on mobiles had slower reaction times and stopping times than those under the influence of alcohol. The problem is you actually get sucked into the telephone conversation, and the conversation starts to take precedence over the driving task.
Secondly, the person on the end of the phone doesn't know the driving conditions around you. If someone's in the car talking to you they can stop talking if a dangerous situation arises. People just don't seem to understand how distracting these telephone conversations are.
In conclusion, I think sometimes people have to use mobile, but I think they also should use the headset to take care of the road. In my opinion, people should put a sound message for who’s calling them that they are driving so they will know that they can’t talk.

261 Wards

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