Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Congestion in Abu Dhabi

          Thirty years ago there were only a few cars in narrow streets in Abu Dhabi. Nowadays it suffers from traffic congestion, and it is one of the most highly developed cities in the Middle East with the roads bumper to bumper with modern cars. In this essay I will write about the causes and the solutions for these problems.

          There are many things that cause the traffic congestion, and one of them is the growing population. We can see that the number of foreign labourers has increased, and also the number of local people is growing rapidly. Another reason is the construction. In Abu Dhabi there are many repairs and developments in streets which make the drivers drive slowly and also it increases the number of trucks. An additional reason is the young drivers. It is clear that most accidents are caused by them, because of their indifference to regulations and laws.

          These problems can be solved and we can reduce the congestion. The first solution is improving the existing system, this can be done by making bridges and skylines and they have to cancel the traffic light system on the main roads. Another solution is making a limitation of the number of cars per house hold.  We can see that every person in the UAE national family has a car, so this increases the vehicles in the streets. Yet another solution is the staggered hours. They can divide the start time of the works to prevent the rush hour or reduce it.

          Overall, I think most of the solutions are easy to do and it doesn’t need massive effort. There are more solutions that can help the city to reduce the congestion.

283 Words

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